Meet the Governors

  • Last updated: 7 July 2024

Our Governors actively work within our school team to both support and act as a critical friend. They work tirelessly to ensure that the children in our care receive they best education they can and have full access to support they might need. We currently have vacancies- an LA & Parent.

Currently, our 2023 – 24, membership is 10 GOVERNORS: 3 Co-opted Governors, 4 Parent Governors; 1 Authority Governor; 1 Staff Governor, 1 Headteacher. We currently have a vacancy for an Authority Governor.

Eamon Mohans

Eamonn Mohans

Chair of Governors/ Health & Safety

  • Appointed by: Governing Body
  • Term of Office: 4 years
  • Date of Appointment: 29 Sep 2022
  • Date of Declaration: 12 Sep 2023
  • Attendance: 100%
  • Business Interest: None
  • Other Interest: None
  • Other Governor Roles Held: Head Teacher's Performance Management, SEN/Inclusion, Health & Safety
Karen Robinson

Karen Robinson

Finance Chair/ Safeguarding/ Class 1 Governor/ECT

  • Appointed by: Governing Body
  • Term of Office: 4 years
  • Date of Appointment: 29 Sep 2022
  • Date of Declaration: 12 Sep 2023
  • Attendance: 100%
  • Business Interest: Yes
  • Other Interest: None
  • Other Governor Roles Held: None
Julie Clague

Julie Clague

EYFS/ Health & Safety

  • Appointed by: Governing Body
  • Term of Office: 4 years
  • Date of Appointment: 29 Sep 2022
  • Date of Declaration: 29 Sep 2022
  • Attendance: 100%
  • Business Interest: Staff in school
  • Other Interest: None
  • Other Governor Roles Held: No

Emma Cornhill

  • Appointed by: Ex-officio
  • Term of Office: Ex-officio
  • Attendance: 100%
  • Business Interest: School staff
  • Other Interest: None
  • Other Governor Roles Held: None
Louise Bramley

Louise Bramley-Ward

Finance Committee Clerk/ Class 2 Governor

  • Appointed by: Parents
  • Term of Office: 4 years
  • Date of Appointment: 15 Sep 2020
  • Date of Declaration: 12 Sep 2023
  • Attendance: 100%
  • Business Interest: None
  • Other Interest: None
  • Other Governor Roles Held: None

Andrew Reed

LA Clerk to the Governing Board

  • Appointed by: Ex-officio
  • Term of Office: none
  • Business Interest: None
  • Other Interest: None
  • Other Governor Roles Held: None
Celia dixon

Celia Dixon

E Safety Governor

  • Appointed by: Parents
  • Term of Office: 4 years
  • Date of Appointment: 7 Jul 2022
  • Date of Declaration: 12 Sep 2023
  • Attendance: 100%
  • Business Interest: None
  • Other Interest: None
  • Other Governor Roles Held: None
Kym Oates

Mrs Kym Oates

Parent Governor

  • Appointed by: Parents
  • Term of Office: 4 years
  • Date of Appointment: 15 Dec 2023
  • Date of Declaration: 1 Dec 2023
  • Attendance: 100%
  • Business Interest: None
  • Other Interest: None
  • Other Governor Roles Held: None

Martin Wynne

  • Appointed by: Governing Body
  • Date of Appointment: 12 Dec 2023
  • Date of Declaration: 6 Dec 2023
  • Business Interest: None
  • Other Interest: None
  • Other Governor Roles Held: None
Miss Sophie Dent

Sophie Dent

Class 2 Teacher, Senior Leader

Sophie teaches in Class 2 (Y4/5/6). She began in September 2022. Sophie is a Senior Leader, Maths Co-ordinator and deputy Safeguarding Lead.